Thursday, August 13, 2009
hi there...
im just so tired.. i have been working as a part time cashier in a supermarket since 2 weeks ago, do u knw how it feel?? it is very tiring.. like all the bones are wrecking! hahaha.
seriously, u have to stand all day, with all ur body parts are moving here and there for packing the stuffs. some stuffs are very heavy and need some extra energy!! hahaha.
i decided to do this bcoz, i havent got my job, and waiting without doing anything is pretty boring and also makes me guilty.. like everyday spending money for nothing useful.. and a friend of mine who has worked there since 2 years ago offers me this job, she said "just take this, rather than doing nothing". then I try, and now i feel like wants to stop doing all this, TIRING!! hahaha.
anyway, HAPPY BDAY to YESI!!
I wish u all the best things ahead! My wish: she can get a boyfriend very soon! =)
a week from now, my boyfriend will celebrate his bday and I am panic coz i still dont know what should I give him for the bday present.. hix. he always ruins everything! when I decided to buy A, then he said B, it just makes me confused!! perhaps, that is one thing to make me blur to get his bday present! hahahaha.
okayyy, nite guys!!
- super tired
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:25 AM
Saturday, August 08, 2009
hai2.. how was the saturday nite?? hopefully u enjoy it..
im getting frustated with my job hunting..
in singapore, there have been large retrenchment as the Lehman Brothers collapse last year.. the crisis impact this country so badly, and the impact can be seen until now.. getting job is very difficult.. the government had done a good effort by creating many jobs in the various industries, but of course the singaporean and PR are getting the first priority..
and for me it becomes the biggest problem, as an international student who hasnt got PR, cant get the job, and many jobs that are available only apply for singaporean or PR.. hix.
just hope for the best.. but i feel like my passion to work here is getting lower compared to the 'old' days.. hahaha. now i feel i have more passion in looking for a job in Indonesia.. my consideration is I want to be an auditor in Big4 and what I have seen here I have very little opportunity to join Big4 in Singapore. my dream job is to be an auditor actually, i really want to experience it for my first career.. to be an accountant in MNCs is ok also.. hahaha.
and i just realise that to make my dream comes true here is just difficult, i dont say it is impossible (coz i believe that there is always possibility for everything) but if you are here and experience these days with me,you will realise how difficult it is............... pity!
everyone please pray for me!! hahaha.
okay2, enough for today..
tomorrow im going to watch UP with ega.. cant wait! really excited about the movie.. =)
gd nite everyone!!
- ohh job hunting
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:18 AM
Friday, August 07, 2009
it has been 2 years, i havent posted anything here..
so busy with college time.. and suddenly my frens (yoan) said to me that this afternoon yesi (another fren of mine) and her read my 'old' blog..
suddenly i just felt i should post again, i should have time now..
i have finished my degree (actually im waiting for the result).. hehe. and now searching job like crazy.. no reply for anyone!! dont know whether they have read my cv.. i feel like sending a message to nobody.. hahaha.
ok, this is just a try, this old blog hasnt been used for 2 years, so i just write until here, then just wait for the next post..
thx for yesi n yoan, who remind me again about my 'old' blog, hope i can start writing again.. and happy blogging for yesi, new comers!! enjoy!! keep writing!
- hi again!!
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 9:18 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
I got task from my workshop, I have to ask some question to people who are significant to me, then I decided to ask my boyfriend, coz for the last 8 months I am with him, I believe that he knows me much better than other of my friends here.. So, I asked these questions which are set already by my mentor..
1. How do u find me as a person?
2. What are the strengths you find in me?
3. What are the weaknesses you find in me?
4. Are these areas in my life that you think should further enhanced/adjust/change?
5. For the past 12 months that you have seen me, how have I been spending my time?
6. For the pas 12 months that you have seen me, how have I been spending my money?
7. Is my way of spending money beyond care, or is it within good contstraints, or over contrained?
and these are the answers....
1. Vanessa is CK IN TWO YOU.
Confident in mind
Kind to everyone
Nice in manner
Travel addicted
Winning mentality
Young in spirit
Organization oriented
U know you are good!
2. You are an independent girl (or woman?). You are such a forward looking person: full of consideration, don't think only for herself but you also want to help others with whatever you have. In lieu your independent "habit", you are quite a mellow person which is an addition why i love you.
3. In my opinion, you are too kind (to your friend or maybe friends) so that sometimes you feel hard to say "no". Even though sometimes you don't like your friend bad habits, you don't want to hurt your friend's feeling by saying "you have not to do that" "I don't like you to..." "I am not happy if you..." etc.
4. Um, everybody needs self development. I believe that you know much better than me which part of your life that need to be changed etc. Your way to decide something has to be focused on, I think.
5. In 12 months time, you have been living your life! You do really enjoyed your life with some great stuffs includes love and care to your relatives.
6. You finished your Introduction to Economics nicely, and you have used those principles nicely in your life. You want to maximize your satisfaction without outweigh you budget constraint. You are so loyal to your Mom with not using money so much.
7. Answered in number 6.
thx ega for helping me doing this task.. I appreciate it so much!! ^^
- from significant others to me
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 9:27 AM
Monday, October 01, 2007
hai2 smua, apa kabar?
smoga smua baik2 saja..
gw lg jenuh baca HRM, banyak bgt yg harus dbaca, pas ada bagian yg gw lg ga ngerti ni makanya ud d malah jd tergoda browsing dll..
kmaren sabtu gw PEARLS kayak personal development gtu, dslenggarain dr kampus gtu d.
kmrn itu ttg personal mastery, jadi kyk lu mastering ur visions.. and u must know how to achieve, its kind of commintment i think.. yg mnarik buat gw kmaren ini yg jd moderatot ngmg 1 kalimat, "are u kind of people that afraid of other's strength?"
pas gw dgr tu kalimat, gw mikir, apakah gw termasuk org yg bgitu.. gw mrasa gw bukan org yg sperti itu.. gw percaya ama kmampuan diri gw, cukup optimis jg.. not overconfident for sure!!
cuma gw ga pernah yg klo ada org nilainya lbh bgs, ato dia punya lebih sgala macem, gw yg lgsg mrasa, duh kok dia gtu ya kok gw ga ya.. im not that kind of person..
mnurut gw, ada cara nanggepin hal kyk gini, ada org yg nanggepin kelebihan org lain ato kyk 'persaingan' gtu negatively ada jg yg positively..
org yg pikiran penuh ama pikiran2 negatif, pasti bakal sirik, trus klo emg jahat ya bisa aja dia melakukan hal2 supaya org itu ga bisa lbh dr dia.. gw sebel bgt d ama org yg bgini, tp ya gmn namanya org beda2 ya, must appreciate jg, tp tetep aja klo gw c ga bakalan cocok ama org kyk gini. mungkin ok buat tmn biasa, but its actually not coming from inside, its rather ya ok he or she is friend of mine.. but not close friends, i cant be too close with this kind of person surely,, coz how can u sustain with their jealousy, all the words that can bring u down (even they dont mean it, but ya its irritating, isnt it?).. org2 bgini mungkin di dlm dirinya tlalu penuh ambisi kali ya, mungkin tlalu pgn jd best of the best, klo kt HRM, result oriented bgt!! hahahaha. contohnya aja, klo tau suatu hal, ga kasi tau org laen, ato kasi tau tp stgh2, ga full krn takut ilmunya 'dicuri', ato ga mau ajarin, tau bilang ga tau.. bnyk bgt kan tu di kuliahan..?? bete bgt ga c ama yg model kyk gini.. apa c artinya suatu keberhasilan yg menjulang klo ga bisa berbagi ama org lain.. boleh c qta result oriented, krn emg effort qta dlm mengerjakan sesuatu diliat dr hasil akirnya, tp.. kan proses jg penting.. pengalaman, cara qta dptin itu, smua penting ga bakal bisa lupa, dan pasti jd value yg ada d dlm diri. klo bisa bantu org lain, knp ga, knp hrs tkt klo tnyata org lain bisa lbh bgs.. klo gtu qta kan sng jg tnyata bisa buat something buat org lain.. btul ga??
org2 yg positve thingking c pasti mikir klo ada org yg punya kelebian bukan sbg suatu ancaman, tp lbh melihat itu sbg motivasi.. gmn cara menjadi better person from day to day. jujur aja ama diri sndiri, sadar ama kelemahan dan kelebihan.. ga ush takut klo emg ada org yg lbh, lbh pinter ato apa.. toh life can change kan?? roda itu berputar, dan gw c percaya, kerja keras bs membantu bgt buat dapetin apa yg qta mau. walaupun kadang tdk slalu yg terbaik yg qta dapetin, tp ya pasti one day, God gives us the best at the right time. Amin??
ya sudah skian dulu, waktunya lanjutin bc HRM, kembali ke realita.. hahahaha.
buat org2 yg bc, i write this simply just for us to look at ourselves, 'which one are u?', mungkin bs lbh membuka mata dan hati lg..
maaf klo ada yg disagree ato tersinggung ato apa lah, this is my opinion, different person may have different opinion.. bhn buat introspeksi diri aja, ok2?!
cheerssssssss, smangat!!!
- are u afraid of others' stregth?
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 9:00 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
rasanya udah lamaaaaa bgt ni blog ga disentuh..
skarang udah masuk ke taun ke2..
wuah rasanya smakin cape, makin berat aja, tantangan makin banyak..
yg gw rasain, individualis orang2 makin tinggi..
dr taun pertama trus skrg ke taun ke 2, tmn2 udh beda2 pilian subjectnya, rasanya ada rasa kehilangan jg.. tmn2 yg biasa bljr bareng skrg ktemunya dikit bgt.. scara qta berjuang bersama tiap hari pas mau final.. rasanya aneh aja skrg..
jarang ktemu org yg masi mau berbagi ilmu di saat2 ini, bnyk bgt yg pelit.. paling nyebelin tu yg kyk gtu.. tp klo dunia ga ada org kyk gtu mungkin jg ga seru kali ya?! hahahaha.
taun ke 2 ini, gw ambil Principles of Accounting, Principles of Banking and Finance, Human Resource Management, ama Managerial Economic.
HRM tu aduh susah.. gila dibaca ga ngerti2 rasanya, ampe cape.. bacaannya bnyk pula, kudu sabar. gw tu orgnya ga sabaran lg, jg klo udh ga ngerti, k blakang jd males.. walaupun untuk itu bhn gw dah bc ampe 3x. hahahahaha.
So far, plajaran2 laen blm ada masalah, cukup enjoy.. moga2 tetep bgitu ampe nanti2.. hehehehe.
overall smangat c tinggi, cm HRM tu yg srg turun naek, kdg smangat, klo ga ngerti2 bs bt ndiri, ga smangat.. hahahahaha.
ya i wish u gud luck d, buat smua tmn2 yg lg mulai taun ke 2 nya..
- taun ke 2
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:16 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
ada yg ntn American Idol kmrn???
"idol gives back" temanya..
bagus bgt d!!
jadi line voting itu, buat charity gtu..
mereka nyorot ttg POVERTY..
mostly di Afrika..
liat2 slide shownya, rasanya mengharukan skaliii..
rasanya jd sedih..
kembali diingatkan bahwa di belahan dunia lain, ada sekian banyak org yg tdk sberuntung kita2 ini, dalam arti slama ini kita masi bisa hidup layak.. stidaknya kbutuhan utama kita udah bisa kita cukupin tanpa kekurangan..
trutama di Afrika, emang sperti yg kita tau, masi banyak bgt negara yg tergolong negara miskin,, angka kematiannya tinggi karna emg lingkungan tmpt tinggal masyarakatnya ga mendukung, misalnya kayak dkt tmpt pembuangan sampah, polluted air n water, yg bikin jd sumber penyakit.. trus jg banyak anak2 yg kena HIV positif.. kondisinya menyedihkan skalii..
rasanya klo ngeliat2 gtuan, rasanya jd bertanya2 "gw bisa buat apa ya buat membuat dunia ini jd tmpt yg lbh baik?"
kesannya berat ya, make this world to be a better place..
susah memang, tp pasti bisa dr hal2 simple..
gara2 ntn itu, gw jd bener2 kangen bgt ama SSVC, aktivitas ngajar di cilincing semasa high school dulu.. klo sempet dan memungkinkan pengen bgt!! takutnya keinginan terbatasi oleh birokrasi yg berbelit2.. hehehe.
kmrn jujur aja pas ntn, jd bner2 pengen ngajar lg.. pengen bisa berbagi, bisa memberikan sesuatu buat org lain..
jadi inget, pas ada org tua dr anak yg diajarin blg makasi..
that simple word means so much to me!!
emm rasanya gmn ya, ketika lu bisa memberikan sesuatu buat org lain, dan org lain blg makasi rasanya puas aja.. ada org lain yg seneng ama perbuatan lu.. stidaknya merasa diri berguna buat org lain..
kangen bgt ama SSVC, jd bersyukur jg pernah dpt kesempatan join activity itu.. rasanya pengen lg!!! saat ridnu saat2 ituuuuu..
- idol gives back
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 8:52 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
15 days to go!!
final exam is coming...!!
so scaredd of this..!!
feel like havent prepared all the materials..
now i'm getting very difficult in managing my time..
like i need more than 24 hours a day, as i need to study very much.. so much i need to read!! still... econs n soci, i cant grasp it easily..!! n i'm rushing to go through all those subjects.. how to study??!!
sometimes i really want to force my self, in 1 day i use my time effectively to study, butt.. yah my brain is not that great, needs rest.. cant work anytime i want even i really want to..
ya i'm constrained!!
one of my friend told me, "dont be stress", actually i dont feel like im in a stress situation, ya i think this is my way of studying.. i'm not a kind of person that when i havent finished my study, i do other thing like going somewhere.. coz when i'm going i will think about my work that havent finished.. then i will feel guilty why i waste my time.. even i wont enjoy that time.. sure..
ya different person has different way of doing something right??! and this is mine,, and maybe others think, "i cant be like u, study allllll the time, so boring" but ya thats me..
i just want to do the best i can for my final..
this is final, so i'm taking it more seroiussssly.. just wanna put all the best effort that i have.. i dont want to feel regret at last, i just want to enjoy my holiday without any 'fear'.. hehehehe.
just wish u all gud luck for all the coming tests!!
- final exam is coming
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:51 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
19 years old!!!
getting older..
doesnt matter,, life goes on, its a blessing from God that i am given more time to stay in this world with all beloved people surround me..
hopefully, im getting more mature, be more responsible..
btw, i was having a great experience yesterday!!
i got 3 surprises on my bday!!
wahhhhhhhh so happy!!
1st surprise, from my housemates, Yurika, Jane, Cat, Echa, Ellen..
when i was going otu from my bathroom, those people already stood in fornt of me..
they were ready with the cake, and they shouted, hepi bday to me,, and sang the bday song,, wahhhh so surprise!! unexpected!!
btw, they made the cake by themselves, hahahaha. so funny!! from bread.. with nuttela!! and biscuits,, and with the caddles on the top.. so creative ya??! hahaha. i couldnt stop laughing, coz, its so me!! hahaha. i mean, thats my breakfast menu most of my morning here!! wahh my housemates really know me!!
2nd surprise, happened in the next 5 minutes (approximately).. ya, i was walking out of my room, coz another fren of ours also celebrated her bday, the girl named Nana.. ya she stays in bloc 5, mine is bloc 3, live in pandan valley also..
ya Yurika said to me in a rush, "vane2, quick2, we have to go now, they have been waiting for us, fast2!", then i think, ok2 lets go.. I was openning my door and...
all candles on the floor, on the left n right side!! and in the end of the 'road' a bday cake waiting for me and all of my frens were standing surround the cake!! wuahhhhhhh.. felt like shock!! so beautiful..
then they started singing, and suddenly, wuahhhhhhhh someone special was there, Mr. Ega Praditya!! hahahahha. extremely happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd surprise, from my study group, Huisan, Tania, Ronny, Sutan.. wahhhh!! got cake again..
so happy, i really didnt expect that they would give me a surprise too.. anyway,, thx frens!! hehehehe.
this bday, so special for me.. first time i celebrated without my parents, my family, in singapore.. with all new frens, and with my someone special.. hahahaha.
it was so wonderful bday!! thx for make it really special for me..
thx to all of u, who prepared all these for me!!
so sweet!!
very gud job frens!!
i wont forget all these!!
thx a lot, i really appreciate this!!!
love u guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*hug n kiss*
- 19th bday
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 9:56 AM
Friday, March 16, 2007
setelah skian lama..
blog baru terjamah kembali..
sibuk bgt siap2 buat mock..
jadi bljr mulu d.. terkurung di rumah..
mock kayaknya ga terlalu berhasil..
yg ptg pass d, pass aja gw dah seneng lah..
wahh kesannya minimalis skaliii ya..
abis gmn ya, kenyataannya gtu, masi krg materi buat siapin mock itu sendiri..
gpp lah yg ptg udah usaha, udah bljr..
mock jelek gpp, yg ptg main exam bgs!!
now still get plenty of time to prepare and do better in the main exam, and thats the important thing rite??!
skrg waktunya menyegarkan otak kembali!!
ga jalan2 during exam.. jenuh bgt rasanya,, bosen bgt!!!
btw, udah ntn 300???
yg blm ayo2 ntn, bgs looo!!!
- mock mock mock
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 8:19 AM
Friday, February 23, 2007
back to singapore..
after a week holiday in Jakarta..
quite short holiday.. since i will have my mock exam, and i have to study, i prefer to stay in Jakarta only within 7 days.. coz i didnt study there, i went to my grandma's house for the chinese new year celebration, went with frens.. so i didnt have much time to study, actually had but.. the athmospere didnt allow u to study!! hahahaha. just excuse!!
Jakarta after the flood, soooo messy, soooo dirty.. really!! and jam everywhere.. fed up!!
the only thing i love i went back, i could meet my family, miss them so much!! met all the lovely cousins.. hehehehe.
now, back again, start studying for the mock, get busy with all the books that i should read..
i think i will get difficulties in managing the time..
i still have a lot of things to catch up, then.. the time is limited, only 4 days left.. and i really havent prepared anything seriously.. crazy..
i'm tense now..
ya, just do my best, study as the best as i can..
ok2,gud luck frens!! all d best for the mock..
- back back
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:50 AM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
yesterday which was saturday,, i went to East Coast Park with my frens (vero, Yur, Huisan, Tania)..
that was very exciting!!
we went from Clementi MRT around 2, and reached Bedok MRT about less than hours.. we walked to bus interchange to find the bus to reach ECP.. on the way to the interchange, i saw bananas which were hanging on the ceiling.. it made me curious,, then i told yurika.. "Yur, yur, see,, bananas,, i think they sell fried bananas".. then walked to that shop.. and.. yess!! fried banana!! huaaaa.. so tempting!! then ok, we bought.. soooo nice!! really!! the bananas are very sweettttt!!
ok, after eatung together.. we continued walking to the interchange, run and run to catch the bus 196..
we dont know where we had to stop, then asked the bus driver, he told us that we had to stop at stage 7.. ok, i started counting.. we wont miss the bus stop!
then we stopped at stage 7, wahh so strange, it was just HDB, i didnt see any beach or something.. emmm, then i took a look at the HDB's map.. i got it, we were at block 19 of that HDb, and we had to walk until block 20 then walked across by using the underpass..
wuahhh it was a great experience..
finally, reached ECP!! so excited!!
i saw the beach.. and many people did cycling n roller skating..
i couldnt wait to try..
before that, we went to Subway.. after that, went to the rental place..
yur, vero, and I were roller skating, huisan and tania were cycling..
it was so fun!!
i felt so relax.. like it very much!!
badly, yesterday was raining, not heavily, but.. ya u know,it would be much much fun without raining, right??!

then for dinner we tried to eat in Turkish resaturant..
we wanted to try something new..
we ordered kebab rice, pide, shish.. this is the picture..
i love the food!! nice.. u must try!!
- eastcoastpark
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:33 AM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
This is a test post from

, a fancy photo sharing thing.
- Flickr
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:58 AM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
as usual, saturday morning i came to school to attend the EQ workshop..
last saturday session was so impressed.. many things i got..
first, the facilitoator asked us to share our problem to our frens (first she asked us to make a group of 8), then all of the members must said "THAT'S GOOD"..
at first i was frowning.. i was like, "what is the aim of doing this?", shared ur problem n said thats gud, what is the gud side of having a bad luck..
then ok, one by one tried.. and i got the idea.. the aim was when u have problem, always look the bright side, be optimistic, dont always look the bad side that can ruin u all the time.. after said Thats gud, every person of the members must say, why did u say so, what was the gud thing of the story that u shared.. we were doing this n then i felt like, it was really helpful u know, when u shared ur problem, then u felt like its hard to be solved, and other people supported u by saying "Thats gud", and said the gud things of having that problem, it was like u felt so relief.. really.. u can try to speak to urself, when u feel depressed about something, and say to urself "thats gud" and think positively, or ask other people whom u often share about ur problem to say that, it is really helpful..
second things that i want to share, about self appreciation. the facilitator asked us to write down 3 qualities u admire from someone..
ok, i wrote 3, i wrote hard working, frenly, mature..
then the facilitator, said, "now, u stand up say I am .. then u say the 3 qualities that u wrote". I was kind of little bit surprise!! I thought, wah what i wrote was what i admire from others, not in me.. so strange..
then ok we started doing what she asked..
and i got the aim of doing this, self appreciation!! yes, we always look other people always greater than ourselves.. right?! but, actually what we have in ourselves is also good, try to see gud things in urself, then u will love and more appreciate urself.. it will avoid feeling jealous or humble..
then we were asked to write LIFE MISSION, she gave a piece of paper, and we had to write what will wo do in 2017..
what is ur job, ur office environment, ur colleagues..
then when u reach home, what will u do..
then the facilitator explained to us, in life we have to know what we want, it is not about the material things.. but how we give meaning to life..
i like the sentence that i got from her, "Future is unknown, it is like adventure.."
all those things seem very simple, but i think really helpful.. u can try it.. at first i didnt think it was meaningful, i thought it was just activity but i think it was not just an activity for me.. hopefully, my sharing can be useful for u..
- EQ workshop
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 11:08 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
lega skali rasanya..
udah kelar tes week!!
entah bagus apa jelek hasilnya, yg ptg udah usaha..
yg mengecewakan econs, ga teliti bgt!!
i did such stupid mistakes!!
n feel so regret about it!!
nevermind, it will be a lesson for me, next time wont do it again..
others, ya so so.. hopefully can get gud marks..
tests are over, then assignments are waiting.. socio n maths..
so refresh my mind for a while, and continue working..
now i just feel.. happy, happy, n happy..
big smile all day!!
- happy so happy
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:21 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
first, i want to wish u all,, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!
Wish u all can be happier, healthier, more successfull, better than last year!! and also hope this world can be a better place to live in!!
My resolution,, be a better person.. want to be more patient, more diligent, more mature, more useful for others, closer with family, God , and frens, and also make everyday meaningful..
Special wish for this year, i will attend the final exam for DE course in May, so hopefully i can pass the examination papers, can prepare the best for it and get good marks,, and hope all frens can pass it too!! then can go to the 2nd year together!!
Now, come back in Singapore again, means that should study again, have to struggle with the course.. During the holiday i didnt study anything,, now its like all things has gone, back with empty mind!! hahahaha. also, have many assignments to do!! then the worst thing, 15th of jan, i will have the tests, wahhh.. can u imagine that i just have verrrry little time to study, and still now in the mood of having holiday, like my mind still doesnt want to start studying.. ughhhh!! but next week,, i should!! dont want my tests' scores worse than the last one, ya just try the best, hopefully can prepare it well. I know if i never study then never get good marks. All things need some efforts!! and for this i must study.. Ooo, spirit plis comeeee!! really need it now!!
- happy new year
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:40 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006
vanessa sudah di jakarta!!!!!!!
senang rasanya bisa kembali ke kota jakarta..
setelah sekian lama berada di negeri singa.. dan kemarin menginjakkan kaki kembali di Soekarno-Hatta..
pertama kali yg langsung ada di otak gw, mengingat betapa berbedanya Changi dan Soekarno-Hatta, jahat ya gw,, jelas beda lah ya!!
jadi crita dulu dari kmaren ya, kmaren gw naek Lufthansa jam 6.10 boarding, tp jam 7 krg 15an gtu baru take off, nyampe jakarta jam stengah 8 gtu.. trus langsung ke Imigration Checkpoint, dan dsitu que nya panjangggg bgt!!! gilaaa d!
trus stelah ambil bagasi, segera keluar, mencari bokap..
dia sudah menunggu nampaknya.. melambai2kan tangannya supaya gw aware bahwa dia ada dsitu secara banyakkk bgt orang!!
ga lama, gw berjumpa ama supir gw... huaaaa.. supir yg selalu anter gw kmana2, rasanya kangen jg dah lama ga ktemu.. dia udah kerja di keluarga gw dah lama, makanya jd enak d.. trus bersalaman gtu sama dia, sambil gw kasi senyuman!! hehehehe. (penting amat c gw..)
trus langsung naek mobil, dan dsitu melihat perubahan.. mobil gw ada tambahan beberapa accesoris gtu.. yg ada di otak gw, tumben amat bokap gw mau.. biasanya dia kaga sring gtu2.. dulu pasang cd aja klo gw ga minta tolong pasangin, dia ga bakalan mau pasang.. krn emang dia ga pake jg..
trus udah d, jalan, dan macettttttttt!! huahhh!!
ini dia 1 hal yg membuat spore ama jakarta so different!!
jakarta, jam is everywhere!! spore, jarang bgt lah ada macet.. mana kmaren ujan lagi, tambah parah macetnya!!
menyebalkan, gw udah pengen makan, laper bgt!!
sampe di rmh, terlihat jg perbedaan2, kamar koko gw, gilaaaaaa.. banyak barang baru!!! enak bgt TV nya ganti.. lemarinya jg ganti!! lemari c ga ptg tp TV nya itu lho!! parah.. hahaha. (iri ni critanya..) udah gtu ruang tamu jg, sofa berbeda, ga ganti c, cuma kainnya doang warnanya ganti, trus hordengnya jg ganti..
trus ke kamar gw, nah ini dia, kok gtu gw msk dinginnnn bgt!! ternyata ACnya ganti, walahhhh dingin bgt!! sebel.. (gw ga suka klo tdr terlalu dingin..)
lalu melihat barang2 ade gw yg smakin bertambah banyak.. hahahha. dan lemari gw skrg diambil alih gtu ama dia, barang dia ada di lemari gw d..
skarang crita plan hari ini, hari ini acara pertama pegi makan mie (kangen bgt!! mie di spore, banyakan kaga ada rasa, dan jenisnya itu2 doang! bosen lah poknya!), ntar siang pasti ke gading, mau potong rambut mungkin.. (my hari has already messy!!) need to have my hair cut!!
lalu ntar sore nampaknya ii2 dan sepupu2ku, oma dll dateng.. (cant wait to see them, especially my beloved cousins, want to kiss n hug them!! hehehe.)
ntar malem mau makan seafood!!
cant wait to eat seafood!! (i like it very much!!)
bgitulah kira2 plan hari ini.. hehehehe.
enjoy ur day!! ^^
- jakarta oh jakarta
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:17 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
yesterday i did so stupid thing!!!
forgot to stop at pandan valley..
i just realised that i have passed my bus stop when i passed holland V, so stupid..
i'm to busy doing many things, cleaned my sandals, my bag..
so stupid!!!
and that day, it was rainging so heavily, so.. u can imagine, i got wet..
then as a result, this day, i get headache..
i still attended the effective writing class and stats tutorial..
and thx to roxanne, she accompanied me at home.. (its very kind of u!!)
then chit chat for an hour, then after i had my dinner, then i slept.. just woke up at 9 from 6.. huaaa.. enough sleep i think,,3 hours!!
now, better!!
hopefully, i won't not get headache again.. dont want!!
want to come to Jakarta in a gud helath!! heheheh.
btw its 2 more days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so excited!!!!!!!!!
- stupid!!
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:59 AM
Monday, December 18, 2006
just now, i read an article in GOgirl! magazine which my sister gave me..
the article titled "Are You A Milionnaire Gonnabe?"
First, talking about Bill Gates, why he can become one of the richest man in the world.. The answer is not becoz he is the owner of Microsoft, it is becoz he has many characteristics that most successful people have.
What are e criterias??
1. Have confidence
You have to be confidence that all thing u do, u can make it success. it will illumnate u into the success. Having faith, do not ever think that u cant do something!
2.Think Big
Positive thinking and future minded. It is good to think about ur future, what are u going to do next, and look all the possibilities that u can take.. sometimes a chance never come twice, right?!
3. Be creative
Do not ever think that what u do is impossible.. It is ok to have a "crazy" idea, bcoz who knows from that idea, ur life can change..
4. Take action
Never talk, talk, and talk, without taking an action!! If u only talk, things wont happen.. Do it as u can, and do not think u will make mistake.. that will
make u afraid of doing what u want.. and finally u will feel regret that u miss the chance..
5. Learning by doing
Get experience from what u have done. If u make mistake in what u did, learn from it. Besides, "trial and error" is good thing to do.
6. Hard working
Work hard, harder and harder..
7. Proffesional
Be on time!! Be responsible!! Be dicipline!!
So, if u want to be a success person, u can try this.. hehehehe.
- are u millionaire gonnabe
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 2:53 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006
so happyyyy!!
my mom, dad, sister are coming!! sad, my brother cannot come here, he has to work..
they arrived in singapore 9 oclock when i was at school, then i told them to go to Orchard first, then after class i will be there..
after class about 3 oclock, i went to orchard directly, bcoz they had been there already..
then, i saw my dad.. wahhh.. so glad!! i gave big smile for them!! hehehehe.
then i walked then i saw my mom and sister,, huaaa.. miss them so much!!!
and the reaction when they saw me, "wah so fat!!"
really.. they noticed!! i gained 3 kgs here, and they coould see my tummy bigger!! hahahaha.
then walked around on Orchard, went to taka, wisma atria, far east, lucky plaza..
tomorrow i will ask them to go to vivo.. and my sister wants to go to bugis.. so i think i will go to bugis and vivo tomorrow..
btw,, my house is getting silent and silent..
only ellen n i here..
next tuesday, ellen will go back..
this afternoon yurika went back to Jakarta for her grandma's bday party..
fortunately, on monday yurika will come here again, if she is not, and i will be lonely.. huaaa.. it will be very boring!!
i imagine yurika is very happy right now..
meets her boyfren, eats a lot of food..
i cant wait 22nd dec!!
i really want that they come faster!!
- glad!!
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:45 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
now posting in better mood..
yes last time, it was very terrible.. but now lets move on..
i dont wanna stuck in that feeling..
it will make my day worse..
thx for my fren who give me gud advice..
"life is full of surprises always see the bright sight of it"
btw, yesterday, one of my housemates named Catherine, already went back to Jakarta, wuahhhhhh.. i really wanna go with her!! i want to go to Jakarta..
cant wait to pack.. hahaha.
i miss all about Jakarta..
i miss my family, my cute cousins, my home, my bedroom, all the food, Gading, and other mall..
miss a lot!!!!!!
about my study, huaaa.. everytime i think about 22nd december which my departure date, i'm going lazt to study, during these days, my mind is not here, i always think about what i'm going to do during my holiday..
but many things to catch up now.. must study!! many things i dont understand, and i dont wanna make it worse by not studying.. i wanna make my time as effective as i can, i'm trying to grasp all subjects that i'm not really understand.. hopefully, this way will help me.. and i can enjoy my holiday.. i dont wanna ruin my holiday by thingking all that stuffs (include my study..). thats why i want to study before i go back.. so my day won't fill with agonizing.. hehehe.
- better mood
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 4:57 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
so complicated..
i dont know what is happening in my heart, in my mind..
so terrible..
make me so sad, so furious, i feel like im very stupid..
oh God pliz let me go from all these feelings..
i cant concentrate,, really..
i want to go..............................
- complicated
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:17 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
soooo disappointed with sosiology exam paper..
i only get 46%, the passing score 34%, so low...
this subject is really hard for me and so are others..
many people get failed.. but honestly, i still feel unsatisfied with the result..
how to study better for sociology? i have to do better for the next test, i dont want to get just 50%, very slightly different few scores from the passing score, i dont want to be a minimalist..
i study, i read, i try to grasp really, i study it seriously, but still cant understand it clearly..
so disappointed, and i really want to make it seriously, bcoz sociology is one of subject that i find difficulties in it..
need to study hard!!!!!!!
- bad score
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 5:18 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
today soooo exciting!!
bcoz today i joined the sea sport activties which was held by Indonesia Student Club in SIM. it took place in Sembawang.. Far enough from school, we used shuttle bus..
I started on 11am, and ended on 6.30 pm, wuahhh so tiring.. but i enjoyed my time, really!! ya i really love sea sport like jet ski n banana boat, thats why when my friends told me this, i really2 interested!! i thought in singapore doesnt have any place to do these.. but now i know, and i can go there if i want to play.. so happy!! hehehe.
n here, playing banana boat is quite cheap!! only $3/person.. not bad lah.. if u play in Bali, more more expensive, thats why i dont want to play there bcoz so so expensive, usually i play in Carita. i played jet ski 3 times!! huaaa.. i'm so satisfied!! hehehe.
But the jet ski here, we cant drive it by ourselves, bcoz we need the license. wah i just knew it!! jet ski has driving license. hahahaha. so sad, actually i really want to play jet ski!! so unfortunately, i didnt play jet ski today bcoz i want to drive but they didnt allow all who dont have license..
today, i also tried kayaking!! huaaa.. new experience.. really hard to do it! balance is important!! u can fall down.. i'm not really like it, but ok lah..
after that, we(my friends n i), had dinner together, so hungry after playing all day, we went to esplanade, we ate seafood!! wahh i like this very much!! i like seafood!! hahaha.
so, in conclusion, i really2 enjoy this saturday!! love beach!! love sea sport!!
(actually, i want to add images, but i cant, what is happening with my blog!!, later, i will post it, i try..)
- seasportime
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:01 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
so sad, one of my uncle died last thursday, i was so shock when i heard that.. ya he had stroke before, and his condition quite bad after that.. he died in 29 years old, still young right..? i think that he might still have many of dreams that he wanted to reach in his life. He wanted to upbring his child, made his family happy.. But, God plan differently, it was the time for him..
what i want to talk is, life is so precious.. God gives us life, and sometimes we dont appreciate it, sometimes we dont really fulfill our day with something meanigful.. i did it too, sometimes, i easily complain, why it has to be like this, like that.. sometimes cant accept all the bad things that happened..
we dont know that life is short or long, we cant predict.. so appreciate ur life, try to be the best.. make everyday count!! so next day, u won't regret with all what u have done..
i always think about that, i always want to use my time wisely.. make everything i do meaningful.. one of my fren's set the nick in the MSN like this, "My future is in my hand", i like that word, very motivated.. make u want to become better n better everyday. it sounds like ambitious, doesn't it? but ya, i always think like that, if u dont have any dream or goal, u like walking in a long road, without knowing the direction how to reach the place that u want to go. if u have a dream, wake up, reach it!! with all ur efforts u have to try to attempt it..
when u cant reach it, at least u have tried ur best, and won't regret.. bcoz u have give ur best. its different if u dont give all u can, and give up.. no meaning.. something u get with all ur effort, will be more valuable..
- life is precious
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 7:38 AM
Friday, November 03, 2006
i just want to share about the test last week..
ya finally the test already done!! fiuhhhhhhhhhhh..
i can't do well in econs.. math and stats ok lah.. but socio i'm not sure with that, just had an hour to think and to write down the answer,, how can?? i just wrote all the ideas, and then don't know it will be right or wrong.. hopefully can pass.. i just know my stats score,, 97!! uhuyy.. so happy.. but others still don't know.. haven't got the result yet.
after the test, i went to Orchard, refreshed my mind!! threw away all the econs, socio, math, and stats, that had already fulfilled my braiN for a week!! walked all day, from the afternoon until late at nite. wisnu, ucrit, javon, and I watched movie togeher, The Guardian.. (Ashton kutcher so handsome!!! hehehehhe)
i slept at 1.30.. it was because the film finished at 00.30, so surprising, when i realised, "hah, how can i get the bus? the latest is 12.11", yahhh so we went home using taxi.. and the next day, i had Pearls, wuaa so sleepy..
btw,, tomorrow i will have Pearls again, and tomorrow there will be an individual presentation, i will talk about smoking.. huaaa,, hopefully i can do the best!! be calm n confidence... Wish me luck everybofy!!!
- huaaa
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:51 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
i'm so tired of studying sociology!!
how to make sociology interesting, and u won't sleep while you are reading the text book.. but what has happened, if i read the book, in a fwe minutes i will fall asleep.. hahahaha.
it is so difficult, i have tried to study it slowly, i just want to understand it more and more.. but everytime i read it, i still confuse, and even become more confuse!! hahahaha. maybe because all in English, it is very hard to be understand, perhaps in Indonesian language i feel it hard too, and now it is written in English, become more difficult!!
from the tutorial i get homework and i start confuse what i suppose to write?! oooo, how to like and understand sociology..
i can't imagine how will i do the test.. and it will come on 27th this month.. hopefully, i can grasp more!! i need to understand it immediately..
ya i know i have to study, work hard!! anybody want to teach me??!
- oh sociology
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 2:28 AM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
long time no post...
ya, i'm quite busy these days..
reading sociology!! huaaaa.. sociology is very difficult, really.. i have been trying very hard, to grasp that.. and it is still difficult, many theories.. and many explanations that finally make me more confuse!! tired of reading!! but i have to!
oh ya, last days, on 14th,15th,16th, precisely on those 3 days, i made birthday surprise for my friends here, actually not just me, together with others too. about 15-18 persons.. On 14th, my housemate, jane, celebrated her birthday. And I, Ellen, Catherine, Yurika, prepared the surprise, bought a cake.. And ya like the common birthday surprise, we entered her room, sang the birthday cake.
next day, my roommate birthday, yurika.. wow! it was big surprise!! Ya, we planned to bring her out to the garden, actuallny we wanted to splash her.. but.. suddenly plan chaged! bcoz of something that was some unpredictable things. and i was very panic!! then it was chaged into all my frends came to my condo, and took the birthday cake into my room and sang the birthday song.. about the splash,, ya we didn't want to lose this chance, we said to her that we had a gift in other condo, then she should go with us to take the gift, and until we were in the garden, we asked her to wait for a while, then suddenly we splashed her!!! it was almost 1.30am!! wiuuuu.. but i thought it was unforgetable moment for her, for the first birthday that she celebrated here.
and the next day, ervani's.. oo we all very confused, how to make the surprise, bcoz we thought the birthday gilr can predict this.. and we avoid it. it won't be very surprising perhaps.. and the plan was we pretended to forget about her birthday, until in the evening we prepared candles shaped 18, and we decorated the way to the candles with flower and stones, made kind of pathway.. and the lights turned off.. so romantic!! hahahaha.
that's all for the surprise, i'm very glad for all frends that i have now.. make me feel warm, and comfy.. love u guys!!
- triple surprise
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 5:50 AM
Friday, September 01, 2006
do u know, i have a new habit here..
reading everyday.. wow! i never do it before, until this time i'm studying in spore, and everyone is doing that thing..
and if u don't read a lot, u will left behind..
last time, i had econs lectures, and the lecturers told us that we had to read chapter5. Ok, i read chapter 5, then i went to school without thinking anything that other student might go faster. and the fact was.. there was a girl sat in front of me, she is from vietnam, and guest what?! she had read chapter 6 and 7 too, and more thing that made me surprise was she had made a summary!! oh.. i was shocked!!!
ok, i just think that, oh here many people are very highly motivated, and i must do better.. i want to change my habit, not study if tommorow there will be a test, but study constantly. in addition i have a final exam only once a year, and i have to pass it, if it is not, then i have to attend the same class for next year. then, if i don't try to understand every lecture, i will get a hard situation in the end of my study. i really want to avoid that, so i promise myself to improve the way i learn.
hopefully, i can be more diligent!! work harder to achieve the best!!
- so surprising
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 4:34 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
ughhhh i'm feeling tired right now.. today i went to the ICA to process my student pass. i woke up at 7.30 this morning, bcoz i have to reach Lavender MRT Station at 10. And the trip took an hour. when i reached ICA Building, ohh there were so many people queuing there.. it was 10 o'clock!! fortunately, i needn't to que, bcoz someone from edupal helped us to process it. though i wasn't queuing but i still waited there for 5 hours.. ooo!! so many students from SIM processed their student pass.. from ICA, i went to Bugis to have a lunch, and walked around.. hehehe. you know, Bugis is an interesting shopping place. i walked around untill i found a nice shoes!! but unfortunately... i couldn't get the size that fitted to me.. oh poor me. then, i continued walking until i found that shoes again in other shop, then what happened??! poor me, same answer.. "can i get number 35?" "sorry, that is the last pairs!" oooooo, i hate this!!!!!!!!!! maybe God doesn't let me to go shopping ya.. hahahaha.
tomorrow i have to go to the bank, to buy a bank draft.. pay 488 poundsterling to University of London, for the exam payment.
i really miss my family, frens, foods, and all in Jakarta!!! i do really miss them!!
- go to ICA
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 4:55 AM
Monday, August 21, 2006
how r u my beloved friends!!!
i'm fine here..
get a lot of new friends, from different countries, and great room mates!! I intorduce, Catherine n Jane from Binus High, Ellen from RMIT FOundation, and Yurika from Sanur lah.. And then still one room left empty, maybe this oct I will get new room mate again.
here, i stay in a pandan valley condo, approximately 4 bus stop from SIM..
here are the pictures of my condo..






pic 1, 2, 3. my bed room, share with yurika, that is the master room, there is a bathroom inside, a balcony, a big cupboard, and off cause desks..
pic 4. the living room, quite comfy right???!! hehehehe.
pic 5. a stair to the dining table, kitchen, bathroom..
huhuhuhuhu. you have looked my new place..
i'm very happy that i can make a lot of friends here, from many different countries such as Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Myanmar, China, Malaysia, and many more.. SIM is very big, and comfy.. Hope i'm getting enjoy with this. I still worried about studying in English, agonising about what will happen on the next day. But I try to lose that feeling, coz life is still going n i have to face it. They don't wait for me so i have to overwhelm all the anxieties. Thank God I am given such a great room mates here, they are very warm, friendly, cheerful, and one of them likes cooking very much. So, such a good benefit right?? Eating singaporean foods is very boring u know, not really tasty, so i prefer cooking better than buying the food in the food court. hehehehe.
i will write about SIM more later,, okay... CU!!!
- new life
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 5:37 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
i'm getting very busy this recent days.. bcoz my departure to spore is within 3 days.. packing all the time, and until now i have been done with 2 suitcases, i think i need one more, for my shoes, slippers, bags..
and i haven't done with all these things, when i was packing my things, there are other things i need and i don't have it, i should buy it.. then spend a lot of money.. as what i did, many things i need!! last day i went to the mall, bought some medicine, stationery, daily needs.. oh really tiring!!
besides, i still feel a lot of agonising.. but i really want to dump it!! like dwi said to me, i shouldn't think too much about my school, just enjoy it.. i will, but sometimes a few anxious feelings fulfill my mine on and on, about what i will face on the next days. yahh, i hope when i have been there, i can enjoy, consentrate with my school, make a lot of frends, and make myself comfertable with all new conditions day by day..
- preparing the departure
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 9:13 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
ngomong2 soal spmb, gw baru aja ngobrolin ginian ama wisnu..
V: duh2 bsk pengumuman spmb ne, gmn kira2?
W: iyo
W: ga tau..
W: ga deg2an amat si
V: gw pnasaran sapa aja yg msk
V: di koran ya? apa ada website?
W: ada jam 23.59
V: wow! web nya namanya apa
V: pengen liat ah, tp paling bsk
W: www...... gw lupa
W: hahaha
V: jd lu brencana liat dmna?
W:koran aja
V: itu kan cape bgt ya liatnya, kecil2
W: liat no dunkkkk, jgn nama
V: mnurut gw lince ama vion tmn gw pasti ketrima
W: yakin lu ?
V: yakin
W: kedokteran ?
V: oo ga, mereka akun
W: yeee.. kirain kedokteran
V: ga
W: kalo akun ga tau d,ga tau org2nya
V: tp mereka meyakinkan kok kerja kerasnya
V: mrk pantes di ui
W: terus yg diluar sana ga lu perhitungkan
W: pantes kan blom tentu bisa masuk
V: ya gw kan liatnya yg gw kenal
V: yg diluar sana ya gw ga pikirn
W: sanur dapet jatah brp
V: ga tau, klo ada pun mungkin dikurangin..
V: pmdk aja ga ada yg dpt, seorg nia, vion, lince ga dpt
V: aneh bgt.. cuma anak sanur milih jurusan semua yg pass scorenya tinggi2 c
W: brarti di luar sana banyak yg lebih hebat
V: ga jg
V: kadang2 mrk ga memilih krn ada nilai yg lbh bgs
W: terus
V: ya tau lah
W: nyokap gw aja ditrima..
W: padahal namanya cina gt
V: ya jaman skrg ama dulu beda
V: smuanya brubah
W: justru dulu lebih parah
V: yg pasti soal kayak gtu di indonesia sampe skrg masi ada
W: tapi ga tau lah
W: ga mikirin jg
W: masuk ui jg blom tentu sukses
V: yg pasti gw dicritain ama sepupu gw, dia dulu ikut yg nyaring2 gtu
V: jd dia tau jatah2annya
W: blom lagi ada yg pake org dalem
V: heh??!!
W: jaman skrg
W: pada pinter, cari kenalan
V: ya klo gtu mah ga usah bangga
V: krn msk krn koneksi
V: itu beda.. kpuasannya jelas beda
V: ya beda2 lah ada org yg mau gtu, ada yg tetep bertahan dgn caranya sendiri
W: tp kan pasti mrk mikirnya yg penting kan ditrima dulu
W: gimana ya, ga ngerti jg
V:ya ketrima krn koneksi mungkin bs bangga ama org lain, tp ama diri sendiri ya ga bangga2 bgt, gtu maksud gw
dari obrolan di atas, gw terinspirasi untuk nulis postingan ini.. kayak yg gw obrolin ama Wisnu, soal koneksi, nyogok2, ato pas UAN kmaren ada yg beli bocoran, banyak yg penen cari aman.. ya emang c itu jalan pintas, entah yg penting lulus dulu, ketrima dulu, tp jelas itu bukan cara yg baik untuk dapetin sesuatu yg lu pengenin.. bukan bgitu??!
sesuatu yg lu pengenin pasti bakal brasa bener2 muasin lu, klo lu brasa kerja kerasnya untuk dapetin itu. klo lu mau sesuatu dan lu ga usah jg buat dapetinnya, ya gmana mau dpt.. sementara orang lain udah lari lbh cepet drpd lu yg cuma jalan doang.. makanya musti tetep lari supaya tetep sama ama orang lain, speednya terserah kita, klo kita emang bner2 mau dapetin, ya perjuangkan itu, ntar di finish line, lu bakal brasa bahwa smua yg lu lakukan itu berharga untuk hal yg lu dapetin itu. klo toh ga dapet, ya lu udah brusaha, jd ga nyesel jg. klo slama ini nyantai2 ya jgn marah2 jg klo ga dapetin yg lu mau, krn ada orang lain yg lbh layak. soal sogok2an, gw rasa buat apa jg ya lu paksain?! klo lu misalnya mau masuk univ tertentu, contoh pas edgar di SMU ga ditrima di pilihan pertamanya, tp pilian keduanya, trus dia dpt nasehat dr temennya, ktnya klo lu dipilihin yg ke2 mungkin org2 SMU itu memikirkan dr interview lu klo lu lbh cocok masuk di pilian ke2, dan mungkin buat lu bakalan lbh baik. gw stuju bgt tuh.. kadang2 Tuhan udah atur semuanya yg sesuai dgn kemampuan kita. Tapi namanya jg manusia, punya ambisi, mungkin kita jg ga sadar, dan kbawa kecewa aja. Yg penting smuanya lu udah usaha, untuk dapetin itu harus kerja keras.
gw mikirnya, lu harus selalu kerja keras, (jaman skrg gtu) bahkan harus 1 step lbh cepet dr yg lain, klo ga lu bakalan ktinggalan. itu yg sering gw pikirin, buat memotivasi diri gw. And it works.. Gw stuju jg tuh ama kata2 Wisnu, masuk univ2 terkenal ga jaminan sukses.
Arti sukses itu beda2 buat tiap org, sukses ga bisa diartikan dlm waktu singkat. Mungkin lu baru tau maknanya dikemudian hari. Klo buat gw pribadi, sukses itu klo gw itu bisa memberikan sesuatu buat diri gw dan org lain. Yg penting dalam ambisi lu, jgn sampe keasikan sendiri, dan ga care ama org lain. Nilai itu jg bukan segala2nya, harus bisa sosialisasi, cari pengalaman yg banyak.. itu yg bikin hidup lu berarti. pelajaran di kelas aja, brp hari aja bisa ilang, tp pengalaman hidup itu yg bikin lu hidup dan semakin hidup.
finally, gw mau ucapin selamat buat yg ketrima di SPMB, buat yg ga, jgn kecewa, kayak kt Wisnu, di univ terkenal ga jaminan sukses, asal ada usaha pasti bisa!!! Seize the day!!!
- spmb niii
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 8:14 AM
hari ini rasanya pegellll bgt!!!
kmaren ke PI ama Ryan, Juan, Cindy.. temen2 baik gw sejak lamaaaa. kita poknya jalan2 mulu d sbelom pada misah, krn qta mau misah.. Si kembar ke Den Haag, Cindy ke Arnem (betul ga tuh tulisannya?), mereka ber3 ke Blanda, hixhix.. Aku di spore sendiri.. Gw jd pengen ke Blanda, pasti asik bgt tuh ama mereka. Bayangkan ama 3 tman terbaikmu, berkelana di luar negri. Sayang d, vane terpisah..
kmaren di PI kita mau makan Sushi Tei, eh rame bgt, ga jadi d, akirnya qta ke The Burger Spot d. Di PI ktemu dewi Rezer, Fla TOFU beserta suami, gitaris SLANK, (di tempat2 terpisah). Trus bingung mau ngapin, jalan kaki d ke Jakarta Teater. Tru skita nonton Miami Vice d. Eh ktemu Reza Herlambang, pembawa acara Insert. Karena filmnya masi lama, kita nunggu sekitar 1 stengah jam gtu, jadi kita nongkrong2 d di OhLaLa.. Trus udah d nonton Miami Vice, bagus lhO!! ayo yg blom ntn, pada ntn itu aja klo ada rencana mau ntn.. hehehe. keren d poknya!! Gw ntn paling 1 studio cuma 15 org, serasa milik sendiri!! hehehehe.
Stelah kluar bioskop lalu kita bingung mau ngapain, tadinya mau jemput pacarnya Ryan, ke Kota, tp tak jadi.. Akirnya qta mau langsung pulang aja, naek bajaj d ke depan hotel Aryaduta, trus naek busway ke Klp GAding. Ya tau sendiri jam 7an itu naek busway kayak pepes, akirnya qta menunggu sampe agak ada ruang, secara qta kan ber4, jd males misah2, skitar jam 8 krg 15 baru d jalan. trus kan mau ke rumah Ryan Juan ni di blakan AXC, mau ambil mobil, mau pegi makan. Eh udah jalan dr halte ke pintu blakang kompleksnya, tutup gerbangnya!! walah udah gempor jalan jauh2, akirnya kita harus balik lg lewat jalan depan.. jalan ke rumahnya, trus ternyata papa mamanya blom pulang kantor!! mobilnya blom ada.. hahahaha. yg ada kita jalan kaki lg d ke apartemen. bayangkan jauh lho itu, jalan kaki dr halte pulomas ampe apartemen. bisa c naek kendaraan cuma kan qta pikir ya udahlah deket, ga terlalu jauh. Cuma baru pas flash back, ooo jauh jg ya!! hahahaha. Gpp lah itu namanya pertualangan, seru!! kan ama tmen2 jd ga brasa capeknya.. lalu di apartemen tuh ud skitar jam 9, qta makan nasi uduk.. Nyam nyam nyam!! Abis itu mobil dateng, trus mulangin dulu supir dan mamanya si kembar, trus baru dqta dianterin pulang satu2, mampir di rmh gw dulu, mau foto.. hehehehe. trus ngobrol2, ama ade gw jg secara si kembar kan alumni tere. Qta ngobrol2 ampe jam stengah 12. Aku ngantuk skali, lelahhhh!!
Demikian pertualangan seru kemarin bersama 4 sekawan.
- 4 sekawan berjalan-jalan
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 12:26 AM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
aku banyak maunya!!
gw ni lg pengen banyak hal..
berikut ini daftar keinginan saya (acak dalam urutan prioritas, krn saya jg bingung, semuanya ingin)... hehehe.
1. tas model Anya Hindmarch (yg asli mahal bo!! 3 jtan!! blom bisa cari duit sendiri, masa minta bonyok beliin yg asli, ya stidaknya pengen tas Be a Bag gtu d yg buatan indo)
2. digital camera yg LCD nya 2.5"
3. webcam
4. dompet yg panjang gtu
5. t-shirt polos yg panjang2 gtu
6. polo shirt lg dgn warna lain (terutama polo ralph lauren, the big ponny, mau abis!!)
7. alfalink
8. kamus oxford
9. buku NIGHT karangan Elie Winsley (klo tdk salah nama pengarangnya)
10. tas yg agak gede buat kuliah
untuk beberapa tahun ke depan..
1. lulus kuliah dengan nilai cemerlang, sukur2 dpt beasiswa ke LSE di London.. (gila asikk bgt tuh klo sampe dpt.. deket d ama teman2ku di Blanda, bisa saling menjenguk, mengkhayal gpp lah ya?! hehehehe)
2. rumah minimalis, yg akan didesign oleh Indra (bener lho ya ndra, gw tagih ntar.. hehehehe)
3. ke belanda, menengok teman2 baikku.. trus jalan2 bareng d ama mereka (ryan,juan,cindy, coba bakalan ksampean ga ya angan2 qta?)
dari semua yg di atas itu yg paling penting udah pasti kamus oxford, nah klo ini c pasti gw minta beli ama bonyok, tp yg laen, emmm karena ga enak ati sudah mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk kuliah gw, jd ya.. mungkin belinya ditunda kali ya..
- ah banyak maunya
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:28 AM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
sedih ya ngeliat middle east crisis..
kenapa ya harus bgitu??!
sgitukah pentingnya ambisi untuk berkuasa sampe harus mengorbankan sekian ratus nyawa..
pengorbanan yg sebanding kah??!
kayaknya manusia udah kelewatan ya, smakin gila dalam persaingan mengabaikan rasa kemanusiaannya.
sayang skali, sekian pemikiran dan rasa yg dikasi Tuhan dipakai tidak seperti yg diharapkan.
tumpul sudah..
buat apa c perang, toh kekuasaan itu hanya sementara, semuanya jg bukan punya kita..
klo bgini kapan kita punya dunia yg damai??!
mulai sekarang manusia harus lebih buka hati, buka mata, buka pikiran..
liat semuanya lebih pake hati, klo cuma pake pikiran, otak manusia itu pinter, dan kpintaran klo ga punya hati, bisa jadi amat jahat.
kasian, orang2 yg ga tau apa2, tiba2 rumahnya kena bom, keluarganya meninggal, blom lagi kalau yg hidup pasti ada trauma..
sedih bgt rasanya, manusia jadi budak keserakahan, yg akirnya mengorbankan sesamanya..
(mari berdoa untuk perang di timur tengah sana, dan negara2 yg dilanda perang, supaya semuanya cepet selesai, dan ga perlu ada korban lg..)
- middle east crisis
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:51 AM
hari ini aku ke sanur,, bela2in bangun pagi2 demi ikut MISA AWAL TAHUN, banyak bgt alumni yg dateng lho.. MAT nya pake bhs inggris taon ini, wew!! asik2 ini gambaran gw sbelom ke spore, misa pake bhs inggris gmana, dan ternyata amat tak terbiasa.. hehehe. tadi ktemu banyak temen2, duh seneng bgt!! kangen bgt!! sanur ngangenin!! meja Pak Suryo ganti, keren skarang.. hehehhe. Ada guru2 baru jg. Bu Rini udah keluar, ga tau knapa. Abis misa trus gw, Ju, Dwi, Marmot, Agen, Nyez, Manda ke Pizza Hut Sarinah, kita makan dulu, laper bgt.. Kita crita2 lah poknya, krn udah lama ga jalan bareng sejak kls 1.4 bubar, trus kan udah pisah kelas, Dwi di Seattle, jadi banyak yg bisa dicritakan. Kita rencananya itu mau main Gokart di AXC,Klp Gading, tp apesnya hari ini mereka tutup!! Tiap kamis off gtu, alahhh.. Brubah d jadi ke mal aja, maen Bowling akirnya, hahahaa, seru lho, kita pada bego smua maennya kcuali si Manda, ga nyangka dia jago lho, gayanya keren lg.. hahahaha. Oh ya Rini menyusul. Trus ya udah kita jalan2, mencari barang untuk cowonya Agen ama Nyez, buat perpisahan.. Pusing jg ni klo bgini yg berpacar2an bakal long distance.. Smoga tetap rukun2 d!! hehehehe.
- bowling
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:01 AM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
wuahhhhhhhhhhh lelahnya!!!
iya hari ini gw, yoan, ju pergi muter2 jakarta lagi untuk seri ke-2.. hehehe.
hari ini dari kelapa gading, kita langsung ke kota. Masuk ke Museum Bank Mandiri, melihat2 ttg sejarah bank2 yg merger jadi bank Mandiri, liat kupon2 obligasi, mesin itung uang, mesin laen2nya d yg dipake buat perbankan. Poknya jadul gtu.. ternyata ya dsana itu tempat yg cukup bagus buat foto yerbuk ato lu bikin ultah.. Ultah,, serem ga ya malem2 ksitu..?! Tapi beneran lho, ada beberapa event yg udah dilaksanain disitu, bahkan mereka nyediain kayak Marching Band, Barongsai, klo ada yg perlu buat acara2 gtu.. Ya kita jarang tau lah ada tempat2 kayak gtu. Kurang familiar c.. trus buat anak2 Sanur klo lg pembelajaran luar kelas, boleh ni ksini, jd bisa tau tuh cara pemberian kredit, trus LC, kliring, nita debit/kredit, kupon obligasi, bentuk2nya gmana jd bisa tau.. Berguna kayaknya untuk plajaran Ekonomi!! Dari situ lanjut ke Stasiun Kota, makan d di A&W, abis daerah situ kaga tau mau makan apa yg enak..
Lalu pergilah kita ke Blok M, tujuannya ke Kemang.. Kita naek taxi, turun di Aksara.. Liat2 buku, biasa Yoan ama JU yg suka liat buku2 untuk design2 gtu nampaknya senang dan betah skali secara emang Aksara bagus2 bukunya dan tempatnya pw bgt kan.. Gw nemu buku yg gw mau judulnya NIGHT karangan Elie Winsley (I'm not sure with the name of the author). Tuh buku kayaknya menarik skali, dibahas di Oprah dan jd buku Book Club-nya Oprah. I really want it!! Unfortunely, I didn't bring enough money to buy it!! hixhix. Gw nyariin buku itu susah amat, dan baru ktemu td.. arghhhhhh!!!Oh iya td di Aksara melihat Happy Salma ama Opie Andaresta.. (ga penting ya??!)
Lalu lanjutlah berjalan kaki, ke ToiMoi trus jalan lg ke FJL, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jauhnya, panas terik, asap polusi kendaraan, mana gw pake baju item!! Gerah.. Ke FJL liat2 beraneka pakaian yg haraganya "bagus", banyak ibu2 yg kayak di film Arisan sedang blanja blanji.. hahahaha. Buset para ibu rumah tangga yg sedang menghabiskan uang suami.. hehehehe. Trus ke Plaza Adorama jg, ke Hysteric, Adidas juga.. Karena sudah lelah jalan bgitu jauh, naek bajaj ke McD.. Uhh akirnya bisa duduk juga.. Makan ice cream sundae strawberry.. udah lama saya ga makan itu.. Duduk, makan, ngobrol, ampe jam stengah 5an..
Balik ke stasiun Blok M, enak dpt tempat duduk.. tapi bgitu pulang duh2 berdiri dari Monas ampe Kelapa Gading, rasanya kaki ini ingin copot, tangan jg!! Pegell.. Tapi itulah namanya jg jam pulang kantor, jadinya rame d...
Tapi seru kokkk... sedihnnya tak jadi ke Blok S, krn udah ksorean.. tadinya mau ke Blok S nya abis dari Kemang, tp di Kemang sangat lamaaa..
Pesan2 :
ucrit : maap ya crit, ga ngajak2 lg, abis lu kuliah kan.. gw jd bingung mau ngajakinnya gmana..
upil : Pil, ayo ke Blok S!! aku sudah ngidam ini..
- jakarta tour part 2
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 5:28 AM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
gw sebel bgt d ama tradisi MOS yg dikerja2in gtu..
di Indo, kayaknya sistem pendidikan familiar bgt ama yg namanya MOS, MOS itu masa orientasi siswa, acara kayak gini tujuannya untuk menngenalkan siswa pada skolah baru, entah sejarahnya, kegiatannya, guru2nya, dll. Tapi kok yg ada MOS itu malah identik dgn murid baru dikerjain??! Knapa harus gtu c? Klo tujuan dari dikerjain itu nambah keakraban, mnurut gw MOS ga terlalu meaning untuk namabh keakraban lu d, secara lu anak baru, hari pertama masuk skul lu udah sibuk dikasih tugas masing2, yg ada lu sibuk sendiri, paling lu tetep bakal deket ama temen2 1 skul lu aja yg emang lu udah kenal.. Yang namanya mau dibikin akrab, semua butuh proses, ga mungkin cuma MOS yg 3-4 hari, langsung nambah temen baru banyak2. Contohnya aja ade gw, ade gw darti Tar5 masuk Tere. yg diterima cuma 3 org termasuk ade gw, yg ada pas MOS malah dpt tmen baru yg bener2 diajak ngobrol paling 5 orang, yg laen lupa.. jadi sama aja, pas hari udah mulai plajaran di kelas, baru d dia inget nama temen2nya dan mulai ngobrol..
Trus lagi klo MOS dibilang memperkuat mental, sgitukah??! menurut gw ga tuh, klo mental lu pas MOS, digembleng cuma buat takut ama kakak kelas dan ngerjain tugas karena takut dimarain klo ga buat. trus ngerjain smua tugas yg sangat aneh dan merepotkan yg disuruh, tanpa lu tau tujuan lu bikin tugas itu apa, kayaknya buang2 tenaga bgt.. buang2 uang juga, dan ngerepotin org serumah. Serius d, gw, nyokap, pembantu tiap hari slama ade gw MOS tidur jam 1 gara2 bantuin dia. Duh gmana ya, bukan bikin mental kuat tp bikin sakit karna kcapean iya tuh. Trus tiap hari disuruh nyampe halte deket skul jam 5 pagi, brarti lu harus bangun jam 4, yg bangun sapa aja.. Pembantu, Supir, bonyok juga (nyokap gw ngepangin rambut ade gw tiap hari krn atribut MOS salah satunya itu).. Itu ngerepotin bgt, apalg klo yg rumahnya jauh, ga ada supir, harus ya ngerepotin sgitu banyak orang cuma untuk "melatih mental lu"??! Yang namanya orang mau ada mental yg kuat, mnurut gw ga dengan kayak gini, krn kayak gini lu udah tau, oh kakak kelas gw bakal marah2in gw tiap hari walaupun gw bener, jd ya ga usah dengerin aja, cuekin, anggep aja orang lagi cuap2 sendiri. Yang ada lu kan ga bakal dengerin dan menganggap itu suatu pelajaran.
Mnurut gw MOS yg dikerja2in gtu, membentuk image "perjalanan skolah lu bakal susah", di MOS dikerja2in itu ga ada apa2nya dibandingkan ntar lu berjuang untuk nilai2 lu di skul itu (kata kakak klsnya gtu). Klo gw bilang, itu start yg jelek bgt klo lu bilang kayak gtu, cenderung nakut2in. Seorang anak baru, kayaknya butuh bgt smangat untuk memulai suatu yg baru, klo start bagus diharapkan jg keblakangnya ntar bagus jg, stidaknya dia udah memulai skulnya dgn suka dgn sgala sesuatu di skul itu. Menginat, ga semua anak kadang skul di skul yg dia suka, klo dia ga suka, dikerja2in udah buat dia BT, ntar efeknya dia ga enjoy justru di hari2 dmana kita lagi ada di posisi start itu.
Udah gtu, MOS yg dikerja2in bakal menimbulkan rasa bales dendam. Klo kita liat ke skul yg udah terkenal dgn senioritas, knapa skul itu susah untuk menhilangkan tradisi senioritasnya? Salah satunya karna ketika lu dikerjain, dan lu ada kesempatan untuk melakukan hal yg sama seperti yg dulu lu rasain, cenderung untuk ga nolak kan, kayaknya ada kpuasan tersendiri aja. Klo udah kayak gini jd susah, bisa jadi kelewatan juga. Temen gw di skul laen bilang ke gw pas kelar MOS, "liat aja ntar gw pengen amsuk OSIS, trus gw mau ngerjain ade kelas gw abis2an", ya itulah mental yg katanya kuat malah menciptakan mental bales dendam.
Klo di Sanur, MOS itu bener2 pengenalan skul, ga ada dikerja2in. gw jg pernah jd panitia MOS, tiap tugas dan acara yg kita lakuin ada tujuannya. Emang agak BT denger2in penjelasan2 kayak gtu doang, tp yg pasti kita ga mau ngerepotin dan ga mau buang2 duit untuk kerjaan yg ga guna. Akirnya cuma dibuang aja kan?! Gw yakin, MOS yg dikerja2in juga pas panitianya ngerencanain, mereka punya tujuan2 khusus, tp mungkin harus ditelusuri lagi lebih jauh, sjauh mana tiap point yg lu bahas bakalan ngasi tujuan positif. Jangan sampe target yg posotif2 itu malah ga ksampean dan malah cuma memberikan ksenangan sendiri buat pihak panitianya. Gw cukup bangga dgn skul Sanur yg bikin MOS ga pake dikerja2in, krn emang MOS dikerja2in ga ada gunanya. Mental yg kuat ga bakal bisa dicapai cuma gara2 MOS 3-4 hari itu.
- ospek itu ga guna!!
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 4:37 AM
Friday, July 14, 2006
senang skali hari ini reunian sd!!!! stelah 6 tahun, ga ada yg namanya reunian, akirnya tiba2 ada yg ngusulin reunian dan sms2an.. jadi gara2 sms berantai gtu!! tadi kita ngumpul di Pronto, Sportmall.. lumayan juga c, skitar 30 orang kali ya.. ada michelle, inez, cindy, titah, pina, devi, nana, sheila, vania, ocha, echa, erika, gerry karnadi, gery ncek, robert, robin, calvin,steven, adi, bryan, dagil, tejo, jeffry, yudis, ricky, ferdian, evan, marvin, nico kobe.. ya kira2 itu deh, klo klupaan maap ya.. hehehe. ada yg ga ikut makan, yg cuma dateng sebentar krn ada urusan lain.. tp seru lah,, namanya juga nostalgila, jd seru aja crita2, melihat bentuk2 perubahan pada diri teman2 yg lain, ada yg tinggi, ada yg sgitu2 aja, ada yg gendutan, ya macem2.. sayang aja ini bukan reunian yg resmi gtu, abis gmana jg cara ngubunginnya klo mau ngumpul semua, krn pas gw lulus sd, ga ada yerbuk.. hixhix. cuma ada foto kelas gtu, ga ada nomor telpon! mana waktu itu anak sd blom pantes pegang hp jg.. jd ya sudah menghubungi yg masi terlacak aja d keberadaannya, padahal ya banyak bgt justru yg udah ga pernah ktemu dan pengen bgt ngeliat kayak apa mereka sekarang.. Sedih bgt rasanya udah mau pisah2, banyak jg yg mau keluar negri.. udah mencar2 semua d, smoga tetep bisa keep in touch ya tman..
[yah fotonya blom ada ni,, ntar nyusul, gw masukin foto2nya ya...]
- reuni sd tar 5
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 4:51 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
wah akirnya aku naek TransJakarta juga!! Kemaren gw, UPIL, YOAN, JU, kami ber-4 melakukan Tour Jakarta.. (akirnya jadi juga ya!!) Jadi tujuannya itu, naaek Trans Jakarta trus muter2 aja ke beberapa tempat yg emang kita ga sering kunjungin..
Pertama gw dari halte yg deket Kelapa Gading trus lanjut sampe halte Monas, dr situ jalan kaki ke Museum Nasional liat2 aja, kan ga pernah tuh ke museum, dsitu ada pameran lukisan Li Ji Zian (klo ga salah), lukisannya bagus2 bgt d.. trus yg tetep kan koleksi Indonesia, dr tiap suku di Indonesia, yg kaya bgt akan segala jenis alat musik, baju, rumah, senjata, dll. Sayang bgt yah museum itu cuma bagus dr sepannya, tp dalemnya sama kayak kbanyakan museum laen di Indonesia, agak ga terawat, padahal dsitu banyak benda2 peninggalan, ato paling ga dengan alasan itu aset dr kbudayaan kita, mustinya c mnurut gw dirawat. Krn klo itu terawat, pasti buat orang yg berkunjung entah untuk alasan wisata ato pendidikan lebih puas. Kan malu klo ada orang2 dr luar liat museum kita kok cuma kayak rumah yg banyak barang tapi kotor, ga keurus.. Kmaren aja ada wisatawan Jepang, trus bule2 gtu, ama orang Blanda.
Abis itu gw lanjut ke Monas, rame bgt!!! banyak pelajar2 luar kota gtu, jd ngantri panjang bgt. Ga jadi masuk d, padahal pengen bgt naek ke atas,, aku blom pernah!! (malu..)ato pernah tp masih kecil bgt, apa yg gw liat aja gw ga inget, jd sama aja lah kayak blom pernah.
Trus keluar dari Monas, ke Gambir. Jauh lho! Jalan kaki dari Museum Nasional yg seberang halte Monas, trus jalan ke mOnas, trus ke Galeri Nasional yg di sebtang Gambir.. Mana panas lagi.. Tapi ini baru sekali2nya gw kayk gini, jd seru2 aja.. Di Galeri Nasioanal itu ada pameran DKV UPH, bagus juga, unik2 lah.. mungkin bakal jd anak DKV UPH bisa ksitu. Disitu slaen dr UPH ada jug Asri Notonugroho (klo ga salah), pelukis yg memamerkan hasil karyanya. Kerennnnn bgt!!! Coba penyuka art terutama lukisan, kau harus ksana!! Kita ktemu ama pelukisnya, dan sempet ngobrol, gw baru tau ya sgitu dalemnya pemikiran pelukis sampe untuk dpt inspirasi aja kayaknya bisa unik bgt. Ada lukisan2 yg kita ga ngerti itu gambar apa, ato secara kasat mat ya kita cuma liat oh itu lukisan gambar itu, tp ga tau apa makna dibalik itu, dan ternyata stelah dia jelasin apa maksud lukisan2 dia, ternyata pasti ada alasan dan pesannya. (Salut d untuk Pak Asri, sukses slalu!! Ciri khasnya nempel bgt!!)
Karena udah stengah 1an, waktunya makan, kita ke daerah Sarinah, makan ayam bakar Gayatri.. enak juga!!
Abis itu langsung lanjut perjalanan lg ke Blok M, melalui halte Sarinah. Nyampe di Blok M, haltenya itu jg halte trakir, stasiunnya itu ada pasar gtu, wah seru sekali disitu, gw soalnya selama di Jakarta ga pernah ke pasr gtuan, karna takut banyak copet,dll. Banyak yg jual spatu, sendal, kalung, baju2, kacamata, dll lah. Yah kita2 cuma blanja kalung2 aja, lucu dan murah. Trus lanjut ke Psar Raya Grande, jalan2 dsitu, ngadem jg skalian. wah ini juga gw baru pertama kalinya. Udah jam 4an bgitu kelar muter2 dsitu, akirnya kita memutuskan untuk pulang aja, krn takutnya tambah rame jam pulang kantor kan soalnya. Yah perjalanan berakhir d.. Seru bgt!! DApet pengalaman lagi.. Gw mau Jakarta City Tour lagi ah, yg ke-2.. hehehee.
Trus ntar berencana lg hunting temptat2 makan yg enak,, wisata kuliner!! (ayo pil, harus terlaksana ya yg ini)
- jakarta tour
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 3:17 AM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Your Career Type: Enterprising |
 You are engertic, ambitious, and sociable. Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas.
You would make an excellent:
Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director City Manager - Judge - Lawyer Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect. |
- future career
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 5:49 AM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ya bisa dilihat di samping ini, tunangan Lampard, namanya Elen Rives, trus mereka sudah punya anak perempuan tuh yg digendong sama Lampard.. namanya Coco Luna Patricia Lampard.. namanya lucu ya!!Ah senang ya jadi anaknya Lampard.. hehehehe. Eh jadi tunangannya juga enak!! Punya tunangan tampan... huahahaha..

Nah klo ini jelas semua pasti sudah tau,, krn mereka sangat populer bukan??! Itu sang x kapten nasional Inggris dan istrinya Victoria Beckham.. dan juga 3 anaknya.. si Brooklyn, Romeo, ama Cruzz.. lucu2!! kembaran lagi pake baju kuning.. aku mau donk ikut kembaran juga, nentengin tas Beckham d.. huahahaha..

Klo yg ini salah 2 pemain muda Inggris,
ada Joe Cole and his girlfriend (I don't know what is her name),,
trus yg di belakangnya itu Janes ama pacaranya, tulisannya di web yg gw temuin, unidentified woman (what's that mean?? don't know,, maybe new..?? hehehehe.)

yang ini Theo Walcott dan Melanie Slade, pacarnya...
lumayan cakep ya cewnya.. ckckckck.
pemain bola pacarnya rata2 model ato seleb2 gt..
- wanita-wanita beruntung
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:03 AM
Monday, July 03, 2006
Ada yg udah baca tentang promnite blom di KOMPAS minggu kmaren..??Ternyata prom skolah2 laen lumayan mewah ya,, gw kaget aja ada yg pake band2 terkenal, blom lagi hotel yg jadi tempat terselenggaranya acara itu mewah2 jg, ada yg di Le Meridien, The Dharmawangsa, Crown Plaza, lumayan lah pasti dananya.. wow!Yg pasti acara promnite model kayak gtu itu, ikutin model Barat, gw jd langsung inget ama Laguna Beach, krn episode terakir kemaren ini ttg prom mereka..Bgitu baca artikel itu, gw kaget jg, salah satu panitianya ngomong klo untuk memperjuangkan prom mereka, dananya bisa2 sampe minjem ke salah satu ortu murid, dan sekarang mereka masi ga ngerti balikinnya gmana.. wah2 nekad skali!! yg ada di pikiran gw kok mereka brani bgt ya,, klo ga bisa balikin gmana!! mnurut pengalaman gw c nyari dana buat bikin acara itu susahhh bgt apalagi klo acaranya itu targetnya ga menyangkut pihak luar... yg mau ngasi dana jg pasti mikir2, apa untungnya buat mereka..Ternyata salah satu alesan bikin promnite di hotel itu katanya gensi juga, katanya ada perasaan bangga gtu klo ada temen yg nanya "eh lu prom dmana?" "di Meridien", katanya bangga aja ngasi jawaban gtu dibanding jawab "di aula sekolah".Beda bgt ama Sanur.. yg sgt berprinsip,, gw pernah sempet dsuruh jadi ketua panitia,, tp akirnya tidak jadi krn gw udah terlalu cape abis ngurusin pensi 150 Tahun, karena semua sudah keteteran.. nilai turun!! hehehehe. gw sempet dikasi tau Ines ketos, suruh siapin acara gradnite, yg pasti ga boleh di hotel2, alesannya suster bilang, "kalian kan dididik di skolah bukan di hotel, menerima kalian di skolah, melepas kalian juga di sekolah".Trus Pak Hari jg bilang hal yg sama ke gw..Jawaban yg bagus bgt mnurut gw, krn sbelumnya gw ga pernah kpikiran alesan itu.. Bener bgt stelah gw pikir2.. dan pelajaran bagus jg buat anak2 Sanur..
- prom ala barat
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:41 AM
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Kecewa sekaliiiiiii kenapa Inggris dan Brasil, 2 tim favorit gw, harus pulang!!!
Sebel bgt d!!
Kemaren itu pertandingan gila2an, Inggris maen dgn 10 org, akibat si Rooney yg dpt kartu merah entah knp alasan jelasnya.. Yg pasti Rooney kesel bgt dpt kartu merah itu, dan Rooney yg sangat ekspresif ngasi tunjuk bgt kemarahannya..

Inggris pertahanannya bagus bgt tuh sampe akirnya sampe extra time abis mereka masih bisa menyamakan kedudukan ama Portugal dgn 0-0. Tapi udah susah2 bertahan dgn 10 org, dan pemaen2 andalan diganti, akirnya penentuan penalti juga.. Inggris selalu kalah d klo soal adu penalti,, kenapa ya... mungkin gugup??! ato faktor sejarah??! klo mnurut gw c faktor positif thingking ato mental tuh berperan bgt!! dan luck jg!! si kiper jg harus jago buat nepis.. dan ternyata kemaren bukan hari keberuntungan untuk Robinson dan timnya.. ya sudah d mungkin sudah nasibnya Inggris musti sampe sini aja.. I'm so sad about this!! huhuhuhu.
Sedih bgt kmrn liat John Terry, Ferdinand, nangis... trus yg laen tertunduk sedih meratapi nasib... Beckham juga lho nangis pas dia diganti.. Ahhhh sedih sekali!!! Ga bisa liat Lampard, Joe Cole, Beckham, Gerrard, Terry... T_T

Yah Brasil jg sudah tak lanjut lagi,, ga bisa liat Kaka, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho.. Sebel!! Brasil harus kalah dr Perancis, padahal gw mikir Brasil bisa menangin World Cup.. Pupus d harapan gw.. Kemaren itu kayaknya gol Henry dr corner kick Zidane, ksalahan dr Brasil jg, kosong di depan, jd Henry agak leluasa jg.. cuma 3 org dsitu dan posisinya ga ada yg ngalangin Henry..
Aku sekarang membela siapa ya... ga tau ni, ga ada yg favorit2 bgt dr semua yg masuk ke semifinal.. hmm Itali kali ya...
- Bye England!! Bye BrasiL!!
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 10:15 PM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
klo gw baca blog orang2, crita2 tentang baru jadian, ato lg bermasalah dgn hubungannya, ato baru putus.. wah2 jd inget ttg kisah masa lalu.. tepatnya 3 tahun lalu... udah lama jg gw ga jadian lg,, males c... tp pas di Puncak kita pd ngobrol2an bareng soal kisah percintaan, masa ada yg ga percaya sma gw ga jadian sama skali... hahahaha. apakah tampang gw, tampang yg sering jadian... hehehehe.selama di sanur, gw sibuk bgt, ya blajar, les2an, organisasi, ya macem2 d.. sampe2 gw rasa waktu untuk diri sendiri aja kurang, apalagi buat orang lain... nah itu dia yg jd alesan gw knp gw ga jadian2 lg, krn itu.. gw takut aja ntar gw ga bisa ngasi perhatian dan waktu yg cukup buat org itu.. ntar taunya gw malah ngecewain lg... krn faktanya, tiap hari plg skul langsung les, trus blom lg klo ada ul, langsung bljr ampe bner2 kelar.. klo ada kerjaan panitia2 an apa gtu bs plg malem.. makanya rasanya ga ada waktu buat mikirin seseorang.. dan gw ga mungkin telponan lama2 klo kerjaan gw ada yg blom kelar.. jd bisa2 ntar gw ama co gw malah brantem lg, nah itu yg gw ga mau.. kan males, klo brantem, stidaknya bakalan kpikiran, gw bukan tipe yg cuek gtu klo ada masalah, gw ga mau aja sampe impactnya ke nilai2 gw... sayang kan..makanya gw rasa LOGIKA DAN PERASAAN GW BERADU selalu...kmrn ini pas gw ama tmen2 ke Puncak, kita jg ngomong2in masalah bginian ni.. beberapa org sama kayak gw sepanjang high skul ga jadian,, entah krn sibuk ato krn blom ada cowo yg cocok.. ada jg yg berprinsip, high skul ga mau dilewatin dgn pergaulan yg terbatas mungkin krn jadian klo co lu tipe posesif, kita jd ga bisa ngapa2in, agak dibatesin bergaul ama tmen2 co.. sayang bgt kan klo masa2 seru lu ilang cuma gara2 co lu ngebaatesin lu, ntar nyesel d jadinya ga merasakan seru2an itu..pas ngobrol2 itu, beberapa org udah kangen ama rasanya jadian.. termasuk gw ga ya???!! hehehehe. gw ga tau d, gw mah ga terlalu maksa jg, ga yg dicari2 gtu,, just follow the wind.. hahahaha. klo cocok yg udah, ga ya udah nikmatin aja masa jomblo.. ntar pasti ktemu.. optimis!! tmen gw blg gini, "aduh bahkan gw udah lupa rasanya jadian kayak gmn.." yup2! gw jg... udah ga kebayang... jg punya tmen yg tipenya ga bisa jomblo,, entah knp dia ga bisa tahan aja.. klo udah lama jomblo gtu, dia kayak stres, klo liat tmennya jadian dia ga, dia ngiri gtu, poknya nyari cw, dan usaha abis2an buat dptin.. ampe gw bingung,, knp emangnya klo jomblo,, gw yg dgrin critanya kdg2 jg bingung klo mau ngasi komen..ya itulah percintaan remaja dan dilema2nya, mungkin banyak lah yg kayak gtu jg.. *yg sdg menikmati indahnya masa2 jadian,, rukun2lah!! jaga hubungan itu... *yg blom dpt pacar,, tenang aja,, santai... hehehe. banyak pria dan wanita di dunia ini, pasti Tuhan ud mempersiapkan untuk kita... hahahaha. *yg baru putus,, jadikan pengalaman cintamu itu suatu pelajaran yg berharga, mungkin next time pas dpt lg yg baru, kesalahan yg sama jd ga keulang lg..
- cinta cinta cinta
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:18 AM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Kau hadir saat aku sendiri
berjanji akan
berbagi sejarah kehidupan
Beriring kita berjalan,
melewati segala tempaan duniawi.
Tak lama berselang,
dia pun hadir di hidupmu.
Dia yang juga
belahan jiwaku yang lain,
di samping dirimu.
Dia yang membayangi persahabatan kita
dan mulai menggeser posisiku
di hatimu.
Perlahan tapi pasti,
kau tampak begitu pudar
di mataku.
Tak terjamah.
Hanya kepadanya kau letakkan
keluh kesah kehidupan.
Aku miris,
Aku kecewa,
merasa tak dianggap.
Tapi aku sadar,
tak mungkin memaksa
orang lain untuk punya
penghormatan yang sama
dengan yang aku berikan.
Ku hanya berdoa,
Agar kau bahagia bersamanya.
Terimakasih pernah hadir di sisiku.
Terimakasih untuk sebuah perjalanan hidup
tak terdeskripsikan.
Terimakasih untuk membuatku sadar
bahwa yang terbaik adalah memberi sesuatu
dengan sepenuh jiwa
tanpa ekspektasi apa-apa.
Berharap memang kadang menyakitkan
tapi itu jauh lebih baik
daripada tak punya harapan apa-apa.
Sampai jumpa kawan.
semoga kita bersua lagi
dalam kondisi yang lebih baik.
semoga yg entah kapan.From : Ines Lim (25.06.2006)Thx for this beautiful poem... thx for ur advices which always make me better!!
- a poem from nyez
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 9:59 PM
Friday, June 23, 2006
gw lupa ya critain ttg GraduationNight gw..emm,, grad nite mungkin sama aja kayk grad nite di skul lain..yg ada di pikiran gw,, klo malem itu adalah malem terakir ngumpul sama2 1 angkatan..abis ini semua udah mencar2 dan pasti bakalan susah bgt untuk ngumpul2 dgn jumlah yg sendiri pas Grad Nite kmrn, pas yg saat2 sendu, gw tuh ga nangis, tp tiba2 pas peluk2an, eh lama2 nangis... itu bner2 berasa bgt, lu bakalan pisah ama tmen2 yg lu sayang bgt.. ada yg keluar negri sgala, dan pasti susah ktemu bgt!! Sanur sendiri punya kesan tersendiri buat gw, rasanya skolah ini udah membuat sedemikian besar perubahan dlm hidup gw.. semua kesibukan, kelelahan, kesenangan, rasanya gw sgt menikmati itu!! walaupun di Sanur, sering brasa capek bgt, krn banyak kerjaan, apalagi gw akitf di OSIS, dan kpanitiaan macem2, tp overall gw tetep seneng bgt bisa ngerasain bljr di Sanur!!honestly, waktu smp gw ga terlalu gmn2 bgt pas graduation, tp kluar dr Sanur rasanya... gmn yah.. sedih krn harus ninggalin bgitu banyak tmen2 yg baik bgt!! sedih pisah sama semua yg ada di Sanur... mungkin krn gw blajar banyak bgt di Sanur..smoga aja kita semua bisa tetep kontak satu sama lain,, dan smoga kenangan di Sanur akan membawa kenangan dan semangat terendiri buat perjuangan hiduo kita selanjutnya.. LOVE U GUYS!!!
Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you'll make a difference.
[Arie Pencovici]
- graduation
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:30 AM
back from Puncak...akirnya kls gw, walaupun ga 36 nya ikut semua, tp tetep aja seru...jd kita ber-18+ nyokapnya Gita, pegi ke Puncak 3 hari 2 malem, nginep di Puncak Resort..gila d, kerjaannya dsana, nonton DVD mulu, trus makan mulu!!!gw rasa anak2 bakalan naek kali ya beratnya... klo ngemil makan nugget, kentang, soft drink+susu... trus lg klo lg nungguin bola kita2 pd makan indomie, bikin roti bakar, pisang bakar...trus nyokapnya Shally pas malem ke-2, dateng gtu, kbetulan ada urusan gtu katanya.. kita dibawain makanan banyak bgt+ 3 lusin donat J.CO!!! gila bgt d,, makanan bner2 berlimpah, dan tentunya dilahap habis ama kita2...jd inget ama ret2 ama Romo Noel d, pas jam makan kita semua langsung ga jaim2, pd nyerbu makanan, ampe Bu Pandi comment gtu... hehehehe.sayang bgt ga semuanya bisa ikut, klo ikut pasti seru2annya tambah gila, sgitu aja ngoberol bisa berjam2, sampe jam 3an baru tidur, skalian nonton bola... untung aja sbelah ga ada tetangga, klo ada... ughhh mungkin kita bakal ditriakin suruh tenang kali ya... hehehehe.yg seru lg td pas terakir, mau pulang, kita brenti makan jagung bakar di Puncak Pass gtu.. udaranya enak, makan jagung rame2... mantep d!!! rugi d poknya yg ga ikut!!! hehehehe.btw, thx untuk tmen2 yg ga ikut tp tetep nyumbangin makanan, kami terharu... trus jugauntuk nyokapnya Gita jg yg bersedia ikut, dan ngurusin makanan kita... maap ya tante, kita selalu berisik... hehehehe.
- puncak
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 5:42 AM
Friday, June 16, 2006
Wuaaaaaaaaaaa!!Setelah dinanti-nanti,, akirnya Inggris bisa jg ngejebol gawang TNT... 2 gol!!Capek nungguinnya,, sampe gw bela2in nahan pipis,, biar gw ga ngelewatin moment2 "indah"... hehehehe.Setelah di menit2 terakir,, akirnya pemain2 Inggris yg tampan2 itu mulai memanas!! dan gol pertama untuk Inggris oleh Peter Crouch,, umpan dari sang kapten Beckham.. ga lama kemudian,, Steven Gerrard ikut2an bikin gol jg.. Cantik bener tuh golnya!! Senang sekali Inggris bisa masuk ke 16 besar!!!AKU CINTA LAMPARD!!! [dia cakep bgt d kmaren]nb: Wisnu,, maap ya ribut memuji ketampanan Lampard kmaren.. hehehehe.AYO MAJU TERUS PANTANG MUNDUR!!!GOD SAVE ENGLAND!!!!
- inggris menang
Scribbled by vanessa kusnandar @ 6:43 AM